Urban Black, LLC is a full service real estate and investment firm specializing in adaptive reuse, urban infill, and mixed-use development projects. We serve client needs by developing cutting-edge solutions to social and civic needs that affect urban areas.
Development Feasibility Analysis
Our development feasibility study examines the highest and best option for owners to realize the full value of their real estate asset. We provide an innovative, economically viable and sustainable, green-built, cost-effective option for site development – using a holistic, mixed-use strategy that cultivates economic value within its neighborhood and delivers strong financial performance.
Deal Structuring & Project Financing Strategy
We develop an ownership and financial strategy that maximizes the property’s full potential - utilizing public, private, and philanthropic lending resources that meet the needs of the owner and project.
Design Phase & Construction Management
With our strong and diverse background in construction management, engineering, and architecture, we can provide superior project management services to our clients. We believe in management of the project in its entirety to ensure a smooth and successful process to completion.
Asset Management
Our in-house asset management team ensures the property realizes its full potential through- out economic cycles. We provide management, maintenance, and capital improvement programs to preserve and protect the asset.